“EXTRA!.. EXTRA!.. READ ALL ABOUT IT!” – Newsstand Boy

(Photo by: Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

“Read it and weep!” No, I’m not talking about poker here! I’m talking about two bloggers who are taking different approaches with their blogs when it comes to books and writing. One young lady, is telling us her reviews of books she has read, which she admittingly has wept from, from time to time, and the other is using her blog as a chapter book for people to get lost in the fictional world she has created.

Now I admit, I am not one to pick up a book on a regular basis and take time to read. Unfortunately, the time that requires this commitment is just not in the cards for me right now. That’s not saying that that has always been the case for me. Umm……. I’ll just say it! I GOT HOOKED on the “50 Shades of Grey” – E. L. James book series. I know! No judging though! I had to know what the craze was all about. I, personally, thought they were great! Prior to that series, I enjoyed reading true stories about American soldiers and their struggles and achievements. I have a lot of respect for what they have done for this country and what they continue to do. I felt I was honoring their sacrifices by reading their stories.

Now it’s my honor to talk about two young ladies who are putting themselves out there for possible criticism in the blogging world. I say this, because some people may disagree with a book review that one of them has written, and others may not enjoy what the other is writing. I believe these two ladies are willing to take criticism to be better at what they are trying to accomplish. I respect that immensely from these two bloggers. I wish them the best of luck in their blogging experience and goals they have set out for.

Book Reviews

I’d like to talk to you about Sarah. She is an acquaintance of mine through a college course we are taking together. She writes about herself on her blog page, “I enjoy reading fantasy novels and would love to talk books with anyone!” She calls her blog page, Sarah’s Bookish Book Blog. Now, I’m not going to talk about her reviews on this post. I can tell you this about her blogs. She will tell you about where she gets her books from, and she doesn’t criticize the way people read or listen to books. I appreciate this, because I used to drive semi over the road, and while driving through many states, I listened to books on “tapes”, aka cds. (In my early 20s, I paid for school by doing this and got to see the country’s landscape as an added bonus.) It’s great to see Sarah promoting ways that readers can enjoy books in their own way.

Sarah goes into great detail about the books she has read. She writes about her favorite lines in the books as well. She does a great job of giving her readers a taste of her piece of delight, aka books. Check out her reviews! You may be inspired to pick up a book that you had never thought about reading before. Leave a comment for Sarah. Let her know how much you enjoyed her reviews!

Chapter book in a blog

Now the next young lady I’d like to tell you about is playing a hand that I have never seen before.  Kasey is using her blog page, Kasey’s Blog, to write a Chapter Book.  She too is an acquaintance of mine through a college course.  She tells her blog readers, “I Love reading, I could do it all day every day!

Kasey is writing her own fictional story, one blog at a time. Each chapter is written in separate blog posts. This is unique in my opinion, because the reader has to wait for the next post. The reader can’t just turn the page and get an idea of what’s about to come. The reader gets sucked into the story and, unfortunately, it comes to the end of the chapter. Now the reader is left anxious for what’s going to happen in the next blog/chapter. The reader’s mind wanders and wonders where is Kasey going with her story next.

This is not my story to tell, so if you want to see what a chapter book looks like in a blog, check out Kasey’s Blog. You too might be left anxious and wanting more!

Leave a comment for Kasey. Let her know your thoughts about her story. Enjoy it like I have!

Blog’s Cited:   

Kasey, Kasey’s Blog, https://blogadream.wordpress.com/, 2021

Sarah, Sarah’s Bookish Book Blog, englishclassrctc.wordpress.com(opens in a new tab), 2021

Book and Author Cited:

James, E. L. Fifty Shades Trilogy. Fifty Shades of Grey. Random House Large Print, 2012.

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